A Friend... 朋友就是...
Accepts you as you are 原汁原味接受你;
Believes in "you" 時時刻刻信賴你;
Calls you just to say "hi" 打電話是為了問候你;
Doesn't give up on you 不會拋棄你放棄你;
Envisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts) 對你所知甚詳(哪怕是沒有完成的部分);
Forgives your mistakes 原諒你的錯誤;
Gives unconditionally 付出無條件;
Helps you 幫助你;
Invites you over 邀請你;
Just "be" with you 和你"形影不離";
Keeps you close at heart 心裡常記掛你;
Loves you for who you are 愛你只因你是你;
Makes a difference in your life 為你生活畫一筆;
Never judges 不會妄言評斷;
Offers support 助你一臂之力;
Picks you up 跌倒時會把你扶起;
Quiets your fears 害怕時就為你打氣;
Raises your spirits 讓你神采飛揚;
Says nice things about you 對你加以美言;
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it 在需要的時候,能把真話告訴你;
Understands you 理解你;
Values you 重視你;
Walks beside you 走路與你肩並肩;
X-plain things you don't understand 當你有不懂時,為你答難解疑;
Yells when you won't listen and 當你不聽勸告,就會吼吼你;
Zaps you back to reality. 朋友還會一把拉你回到現實裡.
世界上最美麗的英文 II.情滿人間
All That Is Beautiful.LOVE
A Friend 朋友